1.チュートリアルレベル Tutorial level




This mission will help you to master the basics of transport company management.


Complete all tutorial tasks.



ゲーム内メッセージ 日本語英語比較

  • Hello! Welcome to the training mission. Here we will help you to master the basics of managing a transportation company. Money and recognition are waiting for you!
    Press “OK” to continue.
  • First, let’s familiarize ourselves with the controls. Move the cursor to a screen corner to move.
    Change camera location.
  • You can also rotate the camera angle. If you want to change the view angle, right-click and, while holding it, move the mouse to the desired direction.
    Change view angle.
  • Great! To zoom in and out from the ground, use the mouse scroll button. If your mouse does not have this button, simultaneously hold both left and right buttons and move the mouse in the desired direction.
    Lift the camera a little bit higher.
  • Well done. Now you can move around the map and control the camera. Look around, and when you are ready to continue with our training, press “OK”.
  • Use the mouse wheel to zoom the camera in and out. If you do not have a mouse wheel, hold the left and right mouse buttons at the same time and move the mouse toward the desired level of zoom.
    You may now explore the map. When you are ready to continue the tutorial, press the "OK" button.
  • Let’s go on. Look in the left upper corner of the screen. There you will find the primary game parameter – the amount of money in your account.
    Press “OK”.
  • Look in the right bottom corner. There you will find the game time control panel. With the help of this panel, you can adjust the speed of game time, for example. There are three speed modes and a pause mode available. In order to adjust the game speed, you should press the corresponding button.
    Try various game speed modes and press “OK” when ready.
  • As the game unfolds, you will be getting messages about important game events. The messages will be running in the bottom part of the screen, and will be stored in a folder. In order to read a message, move the cursor to it and wait for the pop-up help. If the message was stored in a folder, then you can retrieve it by clicking on the folder icon.
    Click on the folder icon.
  • Good. You can use the map to control the situation there. All enterprises, garages, offices, roads and maps are depicted on the map. Your cars and houses are shown with your color. Game events that should attract your attention are highlighted.
    Press “OK”.
  • You can move to any point on the map by clicking on the map.
    Move to the center of blinking area, to the garage.
  • Any transportation company needs a garage for the purchase, repair, and storage of cars. Let’s buy this garage. First of all, you should open the garage window by clicking on it. You can also open the window by right-clicking on its icon on the map.
    Open the garage window.
  • There are different control buttons in the garage window, as well as important information.For example, it indicates which cars are in there now.
    Click on the garage purchase button, and confirm.
  • Now the garage is yours, and you can buy your first car. Please note that a bookmark with a title of your garage has appeared on the left side, and underneath it you can see an icon with an empty space for a car. You can open the car market by clicking on the blinking icon.
    Open car market.
  • In the car market window, you can find out car settings: body type, tonnage and speed. You can find additional characteristics in the bottom part of the screen, if you move the cursor to the car, you want to know about. In order to buy a car, drag it to an empty garage slot.
    Buy one of the cars.
  • You have bought your first car. It occupies its place in the garage, and its icon is visible on the left, under the bookmark with the garage title. To the right of the car icon you can see the problem indicator. It informs you that the car does not have a driver. If you want to hire a driver, click on the blinking problem indicator and you will see a labor market window, where you can select a suitable driver.
    Open labor market.
  • In the labor market window, you can see all the drivers available for hire, along with brief descriptions. Additional information can be seen in the bottom part of the window by moving the cursor to a person you are interested in.
    Press “OK” to continue.
  • A driver must have a license to work on the corresponding type of car. The more licenses a driver has, the more versatile he is, since he can work on a larger number of car types.
    Press “OK” to continue.
  • Select a driver who can drive your car, and drag him to the car icon on the left.
    Hire a driver.
  • Now the car has a driver and it can transport cargos between different enterprises. One of the enterprises, a Heavy Industry Plant, is located in the northern part of the level. You can move to it by clicking on the blinking area on the map.
    Move to the Heavy Industry Plant.
  • In order to start working with an enterprise, you need to sign a contract with them for cargo transportation. A contract with an enterprise stipulates where and what amount of cargo to transport, and also states the amount of bonus for successfully completed contract. Click on an enterprise to open the list of its contracts.
    Open the list of contracts of the enterprise.
  • Each contract consists of several stages. You can have to deliver a pre-defined number of tons of cargo within each stage. Look at the list of contracts – note that the number of stages and the tonnage of each stage are highlighted.
    Press “OK” to continue.
  • As a rule, a car can deliver just one batch of goods in one contract stage. Thus, if you are into successful completion of the contract, it is necessary that the tonnage of the car working under the contract was more than the stage tonnage.
    In order to sign a contract drag its icon over the car icon.
  • Perfect. The contract was assigned to the car. As soon as the contract is assigned to a car, it proceeds with its implementation automatically. If a car is lifted from the contract or it’s over, the car will go to the nearest garage of your company on its own. Now when all is set, you can accelerate the game time.
    Increase the game speed up to the maximum and wait.
  • Here you've received your first profit! The first stage of transportation is over and the client has submitted the first check. Accepted. The profit has not covered the car cost yet, but better days are yet to come.
    Proceed with the contract.
  • Attention! The car has broken. Press on the message below to move to the accident site, or click on the blinking signal on the map.
    Move to the broken car.
  • So, the car is broken. During normal gameplay, cars do not break down so quickly, but we have cheated a bit for the sake of training. Let’s see. The breakdowns can be of three severity levels. Light breakdowns, which can be resolved by a driver on his own, right there on the road. Average breakdowns are fixed by teams which arrive on the repair truck. And lastly, in cases of the most complicated accidents, the car has to be towed to the garage for repair. We have faced a very serious car breakdown. Your driver has to wait for a tow truck.
    Press “OK”.
  • You have neither tow truck, nor technicians who could start repairing the car. The driver has already called the tow truck from the local commercial repair service, but you have to hire a technician on your own.
    Move to your garage and click on it.
  • Now switch to the bookmark “Repair units” and click on the first technician slot and you will get to the labor market. Select a technician, and drag it from the labor market to an empty slot.
    Hire a technician.
  • Good. Now the technician can repair cars in your garage. Repair takes quite some time, but the more technicians are in your garage, and the higher qualified they are, the faster they will repair the broken car. Some time will pass before the tow truck delivers the broken truck to the garage, and the technician will get down to repairs. So let’s have a look at your office now. Like garage windows, you can open office windows in a variety of ways. The fastest one is to click the button in the bottom part of the screen.
    Open office window.
  • Managers are working in the office. Managers are hired like any other personnel. Managers are highly qualified employees and, depending on their specialty, they can make entire business braches better. HR Managers decrease personnel costs, contract managers arrange better contract conditions, etc. But these guys also require the corresponding salary! Don’t rush to staff the entire building with white collars.
    Switch to “Managers” bookmark.
  • Let’s hire a car manager. He will do his best to ensure the longest car service period. Click on the blinking slot, and drag one of the managers from the opened “Labor Market” window there.
    Hire a manager.
  • Very good. Switch to “Information” bookmark and review the summary characteristics of the managers. The “Optimization of operations” characteristic has increased due to the employment of a manager. Now your cars will age more slowly, and that means, they will break down rarely.
    Switch to “Information” bookmark.
    Press “OK”, when you are ready to continue with training.
  • The game world around you is developing. The more dynamically you work with enterprises, the faster they will develop, and they'll provide more profitable contracts. Good business will develop cities and roads, as well as contribute to establishment of new enterprises. This will be your merit.
    Press “OK.”
  • Congratulations with completion of the training mission. Now you are ready to manage a transportation company. Good luck!
    Press “OK” to return to the main menu.